Hasty, haphazardish, OFF-HAND... yup that's pretty much who I am =)


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back to the Daily Grind

Well I am at school. Not much new except for my nerdy science classes which I am loving :) I am so excited, I have a happy schedule this semester because I get lunch every day, that hasn't happened since first semester freshman year. So yeah my Schedule looks like this...

7:20 - Meteorology
8:20 - Human Relations
9:20 - Chapel
10:20 - General Biology I
1:30 - Advanced Geography and Climate
2:30 - Ladies Chorus

Then Mondays I have a night Class - Johanine Epistles

9:20 Chapel
10:20- General Biology I

So it's a happy schedule. I love my new major!!!!!!!!

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Romeo-Romeo, Wherefore art thou oh Romeo

Ok, I really need to stop thinking back to my "childhood" I'm finding way to much ammo about myself. Ok, here's the topic of the night: Old "boyfriend" I was thinking about it and there were only 4 guys I was "seriously into" growing up. I won't talk about any except for one because it was just tooo perfect. My first (one of only 2 I might add) real "boyfriend" was named (this IS his real name too) Calvin Klein. He was the coolest 7th grader on the Moorcroft Christian School Basketball team. (that was what I thought anyway, he was actully very much a geek.) He was the same hight as me, his birthday was in March, he was a year older than me. Him and I had the same numbered Jerseys (#20 which remained my number until I stopped playing sports in 10th grade) and he was sooo hot because he was double jointed and could stick his foot in his armpit and walk across a balance beam. Of course my parents did not approve of this very wise-beyond her years 6th grader having a boyfriend so we were "secret boyfriend/girlfriend" We'd go to volleyball/basketball tournaments and spend hours inbetween games walking around the gym talking and gazing into each other's eyes (he had BRIGHT BLUE EYES), and during the summer I was basically a fish so we'd meet at the swimming pool and hang out all day. This went on for oh, a good 7 months or so until we got into a fight and he started calling me SHARK WOMAN and one of the life gaurds at the pool thought we needed to "kiss and make-up" and locked us in the baby pool cage with Calvin's request until we did kiss... I climed the fence, ran home and never spoke to him again, thus my double jointed, armpit walking romeo was therefore no more. I honestly wonder what happened to him...

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Those lazy, hazy crazy days of homeschool:

Wow, I was totally just reminded of life from my past. I used to live in Wyoming, it was great! We lived in a nice trailer on the "good" side of town, right next door to the previous Pastor of the Baptist church that my dad was preaching at (they owned the land we were on actully) Anyway, my friends' dad ran a gas station in town (also owned by the previous pastor/land owner) and the whole family was always in town so I'd have them over to "play" everyday. As a 5-7th grader I thought that life seriously could not get any better. I even had a job making beds at the local motel... (also owned and ran by the pastor/land owner/gas station entrepenuer) for 50 cents a week. I was living the life of a princess! In our backyard we had this shed that had our deep freezer, and some random junk (along with some junk of the pastor/land owner/gas station entrepenuer/motel owner) and behind that my friends Amy and Rachel and I had a fort that we made from an old broken down ford pickup, an old playground slide, a huge cable spool, a cabinet, a church pew, and a random tree we stole from the church. (All provided (with the exception of the tree) from the junk of the pastor/land owner/gas station entrepenuer/motel owner with random junk in our shed) Oh how we'd love to go outside and play in that, we'd make up all sorts of "stories" to act out, I would insist that Amy would be the boy in all of them and I would be the heroine and Rachel could be my servant girl (Amy and I were the same age and Rachel was Amy's little sister so she got treated like crap) Anywho, we'd bring out lots of different things to play with, including kitchen utensils, and other things. We'd get in huge fights all the time and we'd threaten never to speak to each other again, and the next day we were fine. We'd occasionally get bored with making up stories so we'd have Barbie Auctions where we'd auction off our different barbie junk to each other, including the crap that we made for our barbies (not professionally done) and rip each other off big time. Then we'd get mad at each other for that and try something new and start a "sticker" club or the ever so famous "gel pen" club. Where we'd find a way to trade stickers and rip each other off. Then we'd decide to redecorate the "fort" (you know, give it more of a woman's touch because we didn't want a man's fort we wanted a homey country shack, not an out doors fort) so what would we do? We'd rummage in the neighbor's garbage. We got in trouble when we were caught going through every alley in Moorcroft Wyoming Rummaging through garbage. But to find treasure we had to take a risk. Haha, I'm sitting here writing this and thinking how wonderful life was back then, the only real problem I had was getting in trouble for threatening to kill Rachel, breaking my ankle when Amy wasn't acting like a good strong farm hand going off to war and forgeting to catch me as I ran down the hill to her "him" when he came safely home, threatening to kill Rachel for taking my crutches away from me, and laughing at the wife of the- pastor/land owner/gas station entrepenuer/motel owner with lots of junk who gave us our fort- when she gave us a pair of her husbands underware to clean off the slide. To go back to those blessed days in Moorcroft Wyoming. And How much I want to thank the pastor/land owner/gas station entrepenuer/motel owner with lots of junk who gave us our fort and gave us underware to clean our slide. He gave me the most fond memories ever.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A New Start: That's what I need

Well, so much for a blog that was going to be posting of totally non-personal things... haha, that kinda flew out that window a long time ago. That's ok though. So yeah, lately I've been a basket case, a bundle of nerves, a crazy lady to say the least. I've been so unsettled in all the decisions I've made the last haha, 3 years? Yeah, 3 years. Everything I've said "hey, this is what God wants me to do" has really meant to be "hey, I'm not sure if this is what God wants me to do, so I'll just keep saying it is until I convince myself that it is what God wants me to do" Now, for the first time I've actually taken advice from my parents, teachers, and actually prayed about it and guess what, the unsettled feeling?? Gone. You know what it's gone cuz I realized I was not where I was supposed to be. Haha, can you really imagine me being an Elementary teacher? I don't do so well with young kids... well I do for a limited amount of time and only if they are related to or known me very well for a long time. I am cut out to be around older kids, I can't explain abstract concepts so concretly that a five-year-old can get it... I need to be able to converse with someone who can at least grasp illustrations and a small amount of abstractness..plus there is only one subject in all my el-ed training that I really enjoy, let me tell you it's not liturature, reading, vocabulary or spelllllling. Haha try Science. I've always been good at Science it's been a little bit of a passion, and Dr. Corrick has made that passion a little more real to me. So to make my rantings a little bit shorter than they could be. I've prayed, sought advice, talked to my parents (who, without question, and with 100% support (which is a big feat, not saying my parents don't support me, but they are sceptical at my "skeems for life") and a LOT OF PRAYER I've decided that I am no longer an El. Ed. Major. Nikki is now and forever more to be a Science Major. Let me hear a big hoo-ha for Science Teaching Nerds!!!!!!!
