Hasty, haphazardish, OFF-HAND... yup that's pretty much who I am =)


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A New Start: That's what I need

Well, so much for a blog that was going to be posting of totally non-personal things... haha, that kinda flew out that window a long time ago. That's ok though. So yeah, lately I've been a basket case, a bundle of nerves, a crazy lady to say the least. I've been so unsettled in all the decisions I've made the last haha, 3 years? Yeah, 3 years. Everything I've said "hey, this is what God wants me to do" has really meant to be "hey, I'm not sure if this is what God wants me to do, so I'll just keep saying it is until I convince myself that it is what God wants me to do" Now, for the first time I've actually taken advice from my parents, teachers, and actually prayed about it and guess what, the unsettled feeling?? Gone. You know what it's gone cuz I realized I was not where I was supposed to be. Haha, can you really imagine me being an Elementary teacher? I don't do so well with young kids... well I do for a limited amount of time and only if they are related to or known me very well for a long time. I am cut out to be around older kids, I can't explain abstract concepts so concretly that a five-year-old can get it... I need to be able to converse with someone who can at least grasp illustrations and a small amount of abstractness..plus there is only one subject in all my el-ed training that I really enjoy, let me tell you it's not liturature, reading, vocabulary or spelllllling. Haha try Science. I've always been good at Science it's been a little bit of a passion, and Dr. Corrick has made that passion a little more real to me. So to make my rantings a little bit shorter than they could be. I've prayed, sought advice, talked to my parents (who, without question, and with 100% support (which is a big feat, not saying my parents don't support me, but they are sceptical at my "skeems for life") and a LOT OF PRAYER I've decided that I am no longer an El. Ed. Major. Nikki is now and forever more to be a Science Major. Let me hear a big hoo-ha for Science Teaching Nerds!!!!!!!



WOW!!! So, how many more years is this going to add to your education? ;D I'm sure that Pastor and Mrs. Mikkelson will be a little pleased to hear that you'll be around for a little longer. So, will we see you with your safety goggles and a white straigtcoat....I mean jacket?
Naw, it's not gonna take me any longer than already planned. I will be here an extra year (like I was already planning) and then I'm outta here! YEAH BABY!

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