Friday, April 06, 2007
Have you ever had a friend who just didn't get it? They know that something is wrong between the two of you, you've both layed it out and realized there is an unsolvable difference between you, but you just both try to deny and regret nothing and keep things like "the old days" Then all the sudden that friend is killing you because what used to be "the old days" is actully bring up very hard realities for "the NOW days?" And when you sit them down and try to focus them on the fact that nothing will ever be the same again they agree and keep DOING WHAT THEY"VE BEEN DOING ALL ALONG ANWAYS!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! People can be so dense sometime!!!! Sorry none of that makes sense but I really need to vent. Ok, so yeah, one chick has pretty much ruined my entire semester. I won't go into details cuz I'd rather not talk about it. But this one girl had taken one of the key members of perfect group of friends (not to mention one of my best friends) away from us!!! And everyone but the particular friend sees that the girl HATES all of us with the ever loathing passion (especially me) and is RUINING EVERYTHING! I've came to a point in this situation where I am so emotionally sapped that I can't even talk to my friend anymore without wanting to run out of the room crying. I can't give advice about this because I'm tooo biased but my friend keeps coming for advice!!!! I asked another one of our friends to confront this person but I know that I'm going to end up having to make a BIG step this week and end my friendship before I let myself get hurt anymore in this. I really don't think it's right that all my other friends have to suffer from the wrath of the devil woman (and the worse part is I HATE SAYING NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT THIS GIRL Because she's a friend of a friend, but ok, seriously there is one guy in our group who is the most likeable guy in the world, nobody can hate him and she treats him like he's crap! so I'm having a hard time finding positive things to say about her) Anywho I think if I step out of the picuture, things will get better, I know my friends will be dissapointed but we'll just have to move on won't we.
posted by Liberty, 11:17 PM