Hasty, haphazardish, OFF-HAND... yup that's pretty much who I am =)


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sometimes God says "wait", even though you think He said "no".

Ok, sorry for not posting in awhile. I've been busy. So yeah... Classes, they're going awesome!!! I absolutely love being a science major! I was absolutely cut out for it. I'm also realizing that I'm more of a Physical Science person rather than medical science. I'm really loving my meteorology and Climatology class. Totally cut out for that. Now the big question, what am I supposed to do with the rest of my life???? Haha, don't ask me hard questions like that. I know I'm in God's will right now, I've never had this sort of peace, but as for tomorrow? Next week? Next year? Or 10 years from now... I'm not sure. I realized that knowing that sort of information is useless until I know where I'm supposed to be today and tomorrow... and so on. God wants us to know what next in little steps so that we don't get such a big head and get consumed with our future and forget about him. I think He does show you things, but when you get too self sufficient he lets those things become out of site and almost impossible... for awhile anyway. I wish I would have known all this several years ago, but as I look back, there is a process in my life that God is using to make me grow and trust him. And I see all the dumb mistakes I made were necessary for me to come to this point in my life. Wow. My God is so awesome!!!!! I just wish I could keep that focus in my mind! I get sooo stink'n discouraged because I forget everything I learned in like two minutes! Then after I fail in a situation I remember what I learned and then kick myself for not applying it at that particular time. You know what else really gets me! I know that there is a particular aspect of my life that God is leading me in, and I've known it since the summer between my gun hoe about it until dire year, and I was all gun hoe about it until diffculties arose then I just gave up on it when really the Lord just wanted me to focus on HIM and less on the aspect and be patient (I still hate that word) and wait for God's timing. (My dad even reminded me of this very thing this weekend, and for my dad to be in agreence with this aspect, God's really got to be trying to get my attention about it.) Now I've added some "Hagars" into this situation and I've got a lot to deal with, but yet God is faithful and merciful towards this wretched manipulative selfish sinner that I am. WOW! Patience is a virtue.... patience is a virtue!


Something I just read today...are you trying to know God's will...or know God? It's an interesting thought. We spend so much of our time trying to "find God's will," but how much time do we spend trying to know God better?

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