Hasty, haphazardish, OFF-HAND... yup that's pretty much who I am =)


Friday, September 22, 2006

What on earth is it with such the emphasis on attractivness!? Seriously, here lately I've been hearing all about how life is not perfect unless you have a 5" 8', 6% body fat, perfect complexion, SUPER MODEL at your side. Ok, so maybe I'm exagerating it just a little bit, but I've come to the realization that a lot of the men at my school are shallow, and it's frustrating because people like me who come in contact with them always get the feeling that sure, though we're fun to talk to, and we are a great resource tool for advice because we think like a woman, we are never going to measure up to any sort of their standards because we are not "WOMAN" enough to attract any creature in the form of a male but they are woman enough to hear the words, "no, we're just friends, frankly she's like my sister". Ok, maybe I am just missing something, but the way it comes off, is that by most guys standards, unless you are attractive on the outside, there's no worth of what you have to offer "inside." Unfortunatly a "great personality and intellect" is just not "attractive" anymore. Now, before I offend anyone, I am not saying that ALL men are like this, but a lot of them are, and I am begining to wonder where all these "non-shallow" guys are hinding because it would really be great to find them.
And I have a question for all you guys... "WHERE EXACTLY DOES LOOKS FIT INTO THE WHOLE PICTURE?" I understand that there has to be some sort of attraction, but seriously is it all based on physical, and where does intellect fit in all of this!? And for all the guys who are really good guys trying to find a godly wife who is more than BARBIE, one little pointer for you... don't ever mention to any girl that they are a "sister" it can be the most hurtful thing you will ever say, chances are that "sister" of yours is probably in love with you, you just don't realize it!


I think one of the main problems is Hollywood. I know, this probably sounds cliche, but I think it's true. Hollywood shows so much of how a woman is supposed to be beautiful, the man is supposed to be handsome, etc. It's all over tv, movies, commercials, billboards, magazine covers, newspapers, etc. I definitely don't like it. As much as people say that that these things don't effect them, it really actually DOES. We just don't like to admit it. The good thing, though is that it cna be overcome. Just remember, YOU look for the inner beauty. God will provide the right "significant other" who will see you as the true beauty that you are. Maybe you just happen to hang around the guys who are attracted to the "6% body fat, 5'8",perfect complexion" girls. There ARE guys out there who are attracted to other girls, like the rest of us! Just stop worrying about it! Remember that God will bring along the right one for you at the right time if He wants you to get married. CHILL, BABY!
Ok first off, no one ever said it was ME that I was worried about, I may have used the term "Girls like me" but that does not mean I am the person I am talking about in the article quite frankly, the inspiration behind this post has nothing to do with me, second off, I really am not worried about getting married or not at this point in my life, I'm just thankful enough to be healthy without any concussions... Third off, you have a point, Hollywood does have a MAJOR affect on how our society thinks. But isn't the Christian supposed to disregard that and life a life commendable to GOD?
Yes, the Christian is SUPPOSED to disregard the world and the things of the world, but that's not always how things work. Despite the fact that we aren't supposed to be affected by the world, some Christians allow themselves to be. It's sad.

As for you, I didn't necessarily mean you. I just mean for whoever's reading it to apply it to them. Sorry!

I'm glad that you're happy with being healthy (being a relative term with you) and without concussions. That's always a good thing with you!
I am glad you realize that my post wasn't about "me" cuz as life persists I realize how incredibly hard it's going to be for "MR" right to find me because with a new "re-surrender" to the mission field that I should have dealt with 5 years ago but ignored it has basically closed the most perfect door I had, and yet I am worry free, and I honestly don't care if I ever do get married God's got this girl in his hand and as long as I'm in HIS will, I'm ok.

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