Hasty, haphazardish, OFF-HAND... yup that's pretty much who I am =)


Tuesday, September 26, 2006


At our campus we have this disease that people like to refer to as the "nasties." This disease is criticle and somewhat life-threatening to those who are infected by it and those who are around those people infected by it.
The disease starts by just a glance....all it takes is just a glance, then it progresses into an obsession.... Ok, the disease???? Yeah it's nasty couples!!!! Just one glance and you could be a gonner! When the disease is at is peak, you will find yourself following some random dude (or dudette) that you just met a few months ago around watching every move they make, never giving yourself any personal time or homework time... grosing out your friends by looking longingly into the other person's eyes for hours (literally HOURS) on end never saying a word. Carring around stuffed animals that the other person gave you to all your classes (reminding you that you are in college too) sharing a tray at dinner, watching movies together over the telephone because you two cannot be together at that exact moment... Racking up $1000 cell phone bill cuz... oh yeah you forgot you are sharing a plan with your family and only get like 200 day time minutes and... here's the peak... BLOWING on each other during CHAPEL!!!!! !NASTY NASTY NASTY!!!!!! IS THERE NO SANITY LEFT IN THIS WORLD!?!?!?!?!

Ok people here's some early symptoms to keep in check to avoid the "nastyness":
1) If you find yourself stalking someone and waiting outside their classes for them... you're on your way to being a nasty;
2) If you are mentally planning a wedding with a particular someone you've only be interested in for 2 months.... you're on your way to being a nasty
3) If you are willing to throw away any call God has put in your heart for that specific person; you're well on your way to being a nasty
4) If you totally blow off time spending with your friends all the time to spend time with that "someone" you're pretty much a nasty

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Stalking...yeah, that can be a problem, sometimes...Pathetic. Not taking personal time or doing your homework...dangerous and expensive (if you fail the class, you have to take it again). Staring into each other's eyes...sickening and...again, pathetic and...dangerous. GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER!!! TALK!!! Cell phones...well, I have my opinions on those as well...Why can't people just talk in person? Yes, I have a cell phone, but it's not attatched to my ear. And blowing on each other during chapel?!?! What were they thinking?!?! Yuck! There is a time and place for that kind of stuff (i.e.-not in public and after you're married!!!) For Serious!!!
Yeah, I would definatly have to say that blowing on your "special someone" basically tops any other yukky thing nasty couples do...but the others are just as NASTY as the rest... *sigh* I should write a manual on proper " dating couple edicate" called "You're not married yet Hun" yeah, I think I shall!!!!
You made me laugh...thanks
No Prob! that's essentially why I posted this... that and I had to vent somewhere right?
Wow... That is so sad and yet so true... You actually saw someone blowing on their "someone" IN CHAPEL. While the preacher was PREACHING!!! Ahhh! Ok, now I'm venting... The sad thing is I think I saw the same thing in Baptist Heritage... I was really hoping it wasn't what I thought it was... Ok I need to go thing happy thoughts now... Ah!

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